Some of you may know I quit my job to work on a little text editor for fun. Unfortunately, in the process of doing that, I got distracted by the challenging problem of self-adjusting computation. And unfortunately, to solve that problem in a performant way, you need really fast graphs, a notorious problem in Rust. And to get really fast graphs, I've found this cursed technique that takes advantage of Rust's lifetime rules and higher ranked trait bounds, which is what I'd like to talk about today. Beyond its dubious interpretation of variance, I'm proud to say this blog post represents an unprecidented achievement in yak-shaving for me, clocking in at four, maybe five levels deep. It's remarkable I'm even still using Rust — the traditional move at this deep level is to "realize" writing your own programming language is just the only reasonable way to build a text editor so you can finally write the code you wanted to write originally.

Let's first briefly talk about my experimental graph library, arena-graph. To have fast edges in a graph, we want our nodes to have pointers that directly point to other nodes. My understanding is it's perfectly safe to cast a *const Node to a &Node, so long as the resource targeted by that raw pointer still exists, has not been moved, and will not be moved so long as &Node exists. Arena allocation gives us these properties! We only store our *const Node in places that will be dropped at the same time as the arena — either inside a node, or alongside the arena in the same struct. We also make sure any &Node we hand out won't outlive the arena. This guarantees the raw pointers won't outlive the arena they point into.

However, there's still one problem. Let's say we have a set_parent method like this:

impl TreeNode {
  fn set_parent(&self, new_parent: &TreeNode) {
    self.parent.set(new_parent as *const TreeNode);

In this example, there's no guarantee that new_parent is a TreeNode in the same graph as self. If these two nodes are part of different arenas, new_parent could be deallocated at a different time from self, self later goes to dereference its parent, and we've hit undefined behavior.

To avoid this, we need to ensure new_parent and self are part of the same tree, so the tree's arena drops both nodes at the same time. One way to do this is to have TreeNode have some sort of unique arena ID, and we could compare these IDs any time we add an edge from one graph node to another. This check is frustrating, though. If we're already going to all this trouble of avoiding slotmap-style checks, ideally we wouldn't have any checks at all, even when adding new edges. Another solution is we could just have the user promise they won't do this, but marking set_parent as unsafe will clutter up our users' code with countless unsafe blocks.

What if instead, we could have the Rust compiler statically check that self and new_parent come from the same graph? The bet of this library is that you maybe can hack this in with Rust's lifetime system, if you can guarantee that:

To get these properties, we have to talk briefly about variance.

A brief aside about variance

The following code compiles:

struct NoClone(i32);

fn main() {
    let num_1 = NoClone(1);
    let num_1_ref = &num_1;
    let num_2 = NoClone(2);
    let num_2_ref = &num_2;
    print_numbers(num_1_ref, num_2_ref);
    println!("{:?}", num_1_ref);

fn print_numbers<'a>(num_1: &'a NoClone, num_2: &'a NoClone) {
    println!("{:?} {:?}", num_1, num_2);

At first, this may seem weird. print_numbers is asking for two numbers with the same lifetime, but the two numbers have different lifetimes — num_2 is dropped in main before we print num_1_ref.

The answer is variance. &'a NoClone is covariant for 'a, which has a complex type theory meaning but for our purposes means you can replace 'a with any lifetime longer than 'a. The two arguments passed into print_numbers can have two different lifetimes, so long as both lifetimes last at least as long as the call to print_numbers.

However, the following doesn't compile:

struct NoClone(i32);

fn main() {
    let num_1 = NoClone(1);
    let mut num_1_ref = &num_1;
    let num_2 = NoClone(2);
    let mut num_2_ref = &num_2;
    print_numbers(&mut num_1_ref, &mut num_2_ref);
    std::mem::drop(num_2); // delete this line to make it compile
    println!("{:?}", num_1_ref);

fn print_numbers<'a>(num_1: &mut &'a NoClone, num_2: &mut &'a NoClone) {
    println!("{:?} {:?}", num_1, num_2);

All we've changed here is switched print_numbers to accept &mut &'a NoClone arguments instead of &'a NoClone. Why is this invalid? Well, we could add a quick line to print_numbers:

*num_1 = *num_2;

In our main function, this would update num_1_ref to point to num_2. Since num_2 is dropped before num_1_ref is printed, this swap would cause undefined behavior, so the compiler is right to complain about this.

How does lifetime variance prevent this second case, but allow the first one? &'b mut T is (just like &'b T) covariant for 'b. However, it's invariant for T, which means only and exactly a T can be passed in. Since T in this example is &'a NoClone, our new print_numbers requires the two &'a NoClone to have exactly the same lifetime 'a.

Applying this to our graph

We mentioned earlier we want our add edge method to have two properties:

To get the first property, we just need to make sure &'a TreeNode is invariant for 'a. To get this, we can use a PhantomData and a wrapper struct:

use std::marker::PhantomData;

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct TreeNodeRef<'a> {
    inner: &'a TreeNode,
    mark_invariant: PhantomData<&'a mut &'a ()>,

impl <'a> TreeNodeRef<'a> {
    fn set_parent(self, new_parent: TreeNodeRef<'a>) {
        self.parent.set(new_parent.inner as *const TreeNode);
    fn get_parent(self) -> TreeNodeRef<'a> {
        TreeNodeRef {
            inner: unsafe { &*self.parent.get() },
            mark_invariant: PhantomData,

We still need that second property, though, where two trees always produce TreeNodeRefs with different lifetimes. There's a lot here that won't work. For instance, this stripped down example initially appears to error correctly:

use std::marker::PhantomData;

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
struct TreeNodeRef<'a> {
    // inner node data ommited for brevity
    mark_invariant: PhantomData<&'a mut &'a ()>,

fn same_lifetime<'a>(a: TreeNodeRef<'a>, b: TreeNodeRef<'a>) {
    // two nodes have same lifetime; set recursive pointers here

struct Tree;
impl Tree {
    fn root<'a>(&'a self) -> TreeNodeRef<'a> {
        TreeNodeRef {
            mark_invariant: PhantomData,

fn main() {
    let tree_1 = Tree;
    let root_1 = tree_1.root();
      let tree_2 = Tree;
      let root_2 = tree_2.root();
      same_lifetime(root_1, root_2);
    println!("{:?}", root_1);

This fails because root_1 and root_2 have different lifetimes. But move the creation of root_1 into the block, and we can get this to incorrectly compile:

fn main() {
    let tree_1 = Tree;
      let tree_2 = Tree;
      let root_1 = tree_1.root();
      let root_2 = tree_2.root();
      same_lifetime(root_1, root_2);
    println!("{:?}", tree_1.root());

Now root_1 and root_2 are created at the same time, and so share the same lifetime. How do we make this impossible? Initially it may seem we could use a closure to force the root() calls to be in different scopes:

struct Tree;
impl Tree {
    fn with_root<'a, F: FnOnce(TreeNodeRef<'a>)>(&'a self, func: F) {
        func(TreeNodeRef {
            mark_invariant: PhantomData,

fn main() {
    let tree_1 = Tree;
    let tree_2 = Tree;
    tree_1.with_root(|root_1| {
        tree_2.with_root(|root_2| {
            same_lifetime(root_1, root_2);

However, you'll find that this actually compiles! How is this possible? My understanding gets a little fuzzier here, but I'm pretty sure since with_root's &'a self is covariant for 'a, it allows the constructed TreeNodeRef<'a> to also have an arbitrarily long lifetime. How can we make this correctly error? Ideally we need some way to express that the FnOnce passed to with_root should not have a lifetime selected by the caller, but instead some unique lifetime determined by with_root. Fortunately for us, Rust has a bit of magic called higher ranked trait bounds that does exactly that:

impl Tree {
    fn with_root<F: for <'any> FnOnce(TreeNodeRef<'any>)>(&self, func: F) {
        func(TreeNodeRef {
            mark_invariant: PhantomData,

With the code above, our main will correctly fail to compile, since root_1 and root_2 will be guaranteed to have different lifetimes.

Why not Cell<&'a Node<'a>>?

Some ppl construct graphs using a node that looks something like this:

struct Node<'a> {
    parent: Cell<Option<&'a Self>>

While this has the advantage of not needing unsafe, it unfortunately means your graph struct has a lifetime in it:

struct Graph<'a> {
    arena: Arena<Node<'a>>,

I've found that this lifetime gets in the way a lot, and results in unergonomic interfaces. It also means the Graph can never be moved after a node is inserted, which is an unnecessary requirement, given how arena allocated nodes are always on the heap.

Is this really a good idea??

Sometimes we don't do things because they're good. We do them because they are bad.

See also

Just minutes after publishing this, I came across Alexis Beingessner's thesis, which describes this exact technique in section 6.3, although PhantomData<Cell<'a u8>> is used to make the lifetime invariant instead of my PhantomData<&'a mut &'a ()>. To quote Alexis:

we really don’t recommend doing this

I guess this is just one more post to add to the pile of evidence that my blog is just a cheap ripoff of Alexis'.

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