I've been learning a little assembly with some other Hacker Schoolers. It's fun, but I spent nearly an hour yesterday trying to find a modern online guide for running x86-64 assembly on OS X, and couldn't really find anything that didn't involve complicated uses of gcc. Frankly, without the ever-wise advice of davidad, I probably wouldn't have figured it out, so here's a quick guide to what I did for future reference.

Update nasm

nasm is the command you'll use to assemble assembly code. The default version on my computer was old and didn't have the proper formats, so just I used homebrew to update it by installing a newer version.

$ brew install nasm

After I closed and reopened my terminal, I got the new version of nasm, which had the critical macho64 format.

$ nasm -v
NASM version 2.11 compiled on Mar  4 2014
$ nasm -hf
    macho32   NeXTstep/OpenStep/Rhapsody/Darwin/MacOS X (i386) object files
    macho64   NeXTstep/OpenStep/Rhapsody/Darwin/MacOS X (x86_64) object files
    dbg       Trace of all info passed to output stage

An Example Assembly File

Stick this example assembly file in a hello_world.asm file in a new directory:

  %define SYSCALL_WRITE 0x2000004
  %define SYSCALL_EXIT  0x2000001

global start
  mov rdi, 1
  mov rsi, str
  mov rdx, strlen
  mov rax, SYSCALL_WRITE

  mov rax, SYSCALL_EXIT
  mov rdi, 0

section .data
  db `Hello, assembly!\n` ; to use escape sequences, use backticks
strlen equ $ - str

It should print hello, world, and then exit.

Using nasm and ld

To assemble your code, run:

# Generate object file from assembly:
nasm -f macho64 -o hello_world.o hello_world.asm

# Link object file:
ld hello_world.o -o hello_world

# Run executable:

If all goes well, you should see Hello, assembly! appear in your terminal. Good work!

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